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Episode 144: Shownotes

Hi everyone!  Justin here.   :)  I’m going to make a bold statement… ready?

Your prices are too low… and it’s hurting your business (probably).

Pricing is something a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with.  Most of us don’t charge enough for our products and services.

Raising your prices is one of the best business decisions you can make… and if that sounds scary or crazy to you, that just proves my first point.   :)  Raising prices is hard.  We don’t seem to like doing it… and yet the impact it can have is huge.

And no, I’m not just talking about making more money.  There’s a lot more to it than that.   :)

Tara recently launched her energy healing business in tandem with the Energy Healing Podcast… and for a while, she was charging almost nothing for her one-on-one sessions with clients.

But as she spoke and shared her business at Russell Brunson’s Inner Circle mastermind a little over a week ago, she got some pretty clear feedback about what she needed to do… and already, we’ve seen how this one simple change has set her business on a fast track to even greater success, in more ways than one…

Listen in to today’s episode to find out why you should raise your prices!

Links and Resources

  • Check out everything Tara has been up to, including the Energy Healing Podcast, at!

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