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Episode 153: Shownotes

Hey!  Justin Williams here… it’s been a while!

If you’ve been wondering “What in the world happened to Justin and Tara?!” then you’re in luck… because we’re back with some wild stories to tell!

Life and business has been fast and furious this year, and crazy in a good way.

In January, I held the first-ever 3-day event for our 6 Figure Flipping program in Utah…

…then, as soon as I got back from that, Tara and I went “off the grid” for 10 days sailing around the islands of Thailand, which was an absolutely incredible experience…

We got back, and then I flew to Nashville for our 7 Figure Flipping mastermind…

Came back from that, and the very next day Tara and I jetted off to Russell Brunson’s Funnel Hacking Live event, where we spoke on how we’ve launched 3 businesses using podcasts as a springboard to grow our audience and sell products…

…and in the midst of all of this, Tara has been building out Connect Academy from the ground up… and it has been an amazing experience and a growing experience as well.

She literally wrote a 200-page book in 8 to 10 weeks, created an entire program, held countless live classes, built a huge and growing community, and launched her business, all in spite of our crazy busy schedule.

And it has been awesome… but there’s been some messiness and ugliness to it as well.

Just to give you an idea of what the past couple months have been like… while all of this travel and growth was happening, Tara got pneumonia, our kids got pneumonia, our dishwasher didn’t work, we were going through an audit from the IRS, my son Brogan cut off part of his thumb and had to go to the ER, our cat had scabies…

You get the idea.

The bottom line is, a life spent in passionate pursuit of your dreams is NOT always pretty and easy and super fun!

But it is so, so worth it.

And today, it’s time to catch up, talk about the ups and downs, and lay some groundwork for the future…

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