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Hey!  Justin here.   :)  A few weeks ago, I was on Facebook and I saw I had gotten a friend request from this guy named Aaron Walker.  I didn’t know who he was, but I accepted the request.

Literally 20 minutes later I was on Jaime Tardy’s website,, and I saw the same guy!  Aaron Walker!

Turns out he’s an incredible entrepreneur and a caring, insightful person.  He’s started more than 8 businesses, has had an incredible amount of success… and he’s been sharing his wisdom ever since.  (Out of all the interviews John Lee Dumas has done on Entrepreneur on Fire, Aaron’s interview is in the top 10.)

Aaron and I ended up chatting on the phone, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know him over the past couple weeks.  He’s an amazing, genuine human being with a heart to share his success with others, and we’re honored to have him on the show!

Watch the video below for the full interview!

Episode 23: Show Notes

A few things we cover in today’s episode…

  • How Aaron started working at 13 years old working in a pawn shop… and his background coming from a very poor family…
  • How he retired at the age of 27… which turned out to be a bad choice…
  • How his life changed forever due to a tragic accident…
  • His transformation from focusing on being successful to being significant…
  • Why he has chosen to always be open, genuine, and honest with people… and the importance of transparency…
  • How success ebbs and flows when you’re an entrepreneur… it’s a roller coaster…
  • Why Aaron builds businesses with the intent to sell them, not to keep them long term…
  • The number one thing that “kills” would-be entrepreneurs…
  • How the internet has created massive opportunity for entrepreneurs today…
  • The mantra by which Aaron lives his life…

“Quit being afraid to fail.  Fear missing an opportunity more than failure.  Failure is in not trying, not in not succeeding.” – Aaron Walker

Links and Resources

  • Aaron is giving away some AWESOME free stuff to 8 Minute Millionaire listeners… including a personal assessment he uses every day, his top productivity tips, and steps to build the life you want!  Go to to download your gift!

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