So recently I read a book called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I mention this book in previous posts above. Hal says that if you have mediocre mornings you will have mediocre days and a mediocre life.Millionaires do not have mediocre lives…I know that for sure! The Miracle Morning is a way to rise above the majority of the 99 percent of people who aren’t millionaires.

In this video I talk about the five steps to the Miracle Morning that Hal Elrod swears by. I’ve been doing bits and pieces of it like the waking up early,working out and listening to a book while I run.

I’m going to get more serious about this. It’s going to take some sacrifices but it’s worth it! There’s still a few things I’m going to implement to make it complete. I’m going to start doing my Miracle Morning right! Watch this clip to see what all of the five steps to The Miracle Morning are!

Who’s gonna join me?!! :)

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