​For some reason while I was driving back up to school and doing my volunteer work I thought it was ok to not communicate with Justin and Tara fully and tell them this is what I had been planning on doing all summer long. First of all I wasn’t being responsible myself to check e mails from my school saying what days this volunteer work would all be happening. I told them that I was driving up to school on a certain day and they were cool with that then I told the I had this volunteer stuff going on for four days…Lets just say they weren’t too thrilled with me when I told them this. Work that was my responsibility was not getting done like it needed to.

I’m sharing this with you guys to show you that I have not been perfect in this journey by any means. But just because I’ve messed up a few times I’m not throwing in the towel and saying I can’t do this anymore or that I give up. No, each time I mess up and get in trouble its a re evaluation for myself to think ok why did this happen? What did I do wrong and what am I going to do from now on so that this doesn’t happen again?

I still have some bad habits that I’m trying to get rid of and I guess I never really was forced to drop them because I wouldn’t stick with things for very long or I would get away with it. That’s not the case anymore. I got to drop these old habits become responsible and take care of things myself. I got to communicate better and get crap done!

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