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Hey everyone!   :)  Justin here.  Today, I have an awesome guest I want you to meet… and what he has to share could help you gain massive amounts of traction for your business!

Tom Morkes is a strategic book launch specialist.  He works with businesses and authors, helping them create and promote successful books.

But he started out as a humble blogger, terrified to put himself out there… and in today’s episode, he shares his story and what he’s learned over the years as he’s grown a hugely successful online presence!

Episode 114: Show Notes

A few things we cover in today’s episode!

  • Tom’s story, and how he ended up as an entrepreneur…
  • How Tom got started blogging, writing, and publishing his own projects…
  • How Tom started his blog…
  • How Tom applied what he learned in the military to writing, entrepreneurship, and art…
  • Why you should just go for it and put something out there, even if you’re scared or it’s not “perfect…”
  • Why “good enough” is good enough…
  • How long it took Tom to start getting an audience…
  • What Tom did to start promoting himself and building his audience…
  • Why a “pay what you want” model can be much more effective than a “free” model…
  • How niching down and becoming a subject matter expert on one thing helped Tom blow up his online presence and get featured on some big sites and shows…
  • How Tom helped his first client achieve 25,000 to 30,000 book sales in the past year and a half…
  • Why you should start before you’re ready…

Links and Resources

  • To learn more from Tom and get access to all the incredible resources he’s created, head over to!
  • Tom recommended a couple books, including Seth Godin’s book Poke the Box and the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

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