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Episode 176: Shownotes

You think this is a game?!

Well, it is.

I’m talking about business.  Yeah, I see “business” as a game.

And money is how you keep score.

But that’s all money is… just a score.  It doesn’t actually mean anything on its own.  What matters is the “why.”  What matters is what you do with the money.

Money represents the amount of people you can impact.

Tara and I always wanted to be successful so we could give back.

We wanted to help our parents and our loved ones…

We wanted to take care of family and have the freedom to be there for our kids and make great memories with them.

We want to build orphanages and dig wells to give people clean water.

And I remember the first year we made $1,000,000…

I remember thinking, “We made it.  We’ve done it.  Now we can give back.”

And we did…

But I realized something.

I realized there were a lot more people out there who needed help.

So I started building House Flipping HQ and 8 Minute Millionaire as another way to give back… to help more people achieve a free, happy, successful, fulfilling life.

We launched 7 Figure Flipping to help people go even further and get their time back…

We launched 6 Figure Flipping to help more people get to the 7FF level…

We launched 8 Figure Flipping to help our $1,000,000-dollar members keep growing…

And it’s amazing and humbling to see the ripple effect that has happened from everything we’ve done over the years.

But here’s the thing…

The game isn’t over.

It will never be over…

…because there’s always a next level.

When you get to the top of one peak, you see another peak in the distance that’s even higher, and you see how much greater your impact could be.  You see how many more lives can be changed for the better.

So you keep going.

I’m not saying any of this to brag.  (Like, “Look how humble I am..!”  Ha ha… no.)

I’m just sharing my “why.”

So what does all of this mean for you?

Well, let’s talk about that…

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