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Episode 177: Shownotes


I have no words.

Last week, I spent 6 days in San Diego with the coolest guys and gals on the planet.

Monday through Wednesday, I hung out with our 7 Figure Flipping and 8 Figure Flipping members for our fall mastermind meeting.

Thursday through Saturday was Flip Hacking LIVE

…and this is where I run out of words.

Where do I even begin?

This event was amazing.

Inspiring.  Incredible.  Game-changing.

But we read words like this over and over again, every day.

They’re not enough.

Seeing so many lives and businesses changed…

I’m proud and humbled.

And if you weren’t there, I don’t know how I can really capture what this event meant to me, to Tara, to our members and students, and to so many people who attended.

But I’m going to try…

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