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Last week, Jenny went MIA and we had no idea what happened to her. Justin started to get seriously worried when she wasn’t answering his calls.

Turns out she had failed to communicate that she was going back to school early, and in the process, she had dropped the ball on just about all the work we expected her to do that week.

After Jenny got back in touch with us, we knew something had to change… and we wanted to find out exactly why she had gone dark and what had happened.

Today’s episode is a recording of the meeting we held with Jenny… and even though it’s a bit longer than our usual episodes, we wanted to share it because it’s PACKED with lessons and takeaways, things that Jenny is learning and discovering about herself…

Maybe you can relate to Jenny’s struggle to kick bad habits and ways of thinking and acting. Either way, we think you’ll find this very inspiring.

Episode 42: Show Notes

A few things we cover in today’s episode!

  • Why it’s helpful (and extremely important) to have someone point out your mistakes and bad habits…
  • Why you need to find your unfair advantage… and the value of shortcuts…
  • The importance of a good work ethic, good habits, and strong communication… even if you “work for yourself” as an entrepreneur…
  • How hard work builds confidence, even if you don’t feel any “smarter” than you were before…
  • The number one most efficient way to stay organized and on top of things (and no, it’s not a “to do” list)…
  • Why Jenny still has the resolve to stick with this million-dollar journey even after dropping the ball in such a huge way…
  • The “lie” that Jenny has been hiding behind all her life… and why she needs to ditch it…
  • Why it’s so important to not just say “no” to things but to only say “yes” to the absolute most important things (if it’s not a “heck yes,” it needs to be a “no way”)…
  • Why it’s a good thing that Jenny is feeling terrified and uncomfortable…
  • How to accomplish great things (it doesn’t involve big accomplishments or huge goals)…
  • The “new” version of Jenny that is about to emerge…

Links and Resources

  • To read more about Jenny’s experience, including what she’s been learning and where she’s been struggling, head over to her blog!

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