Hey guys!

My name is Jenny and I am on a Journey right now to become a millionaire in 5 years. I’m 25 years old and am still financially relying on my parents. Up until this point I wasn’t working because I thought it was impossible to go to school and work at the same time. Since I’ve started this journey, I have realized that that idea was very skewed.

Justin and Tara are helping me learn how to think, act like and become a millionaire. My whole life I’ve never enjoyed school or being in the class room. I’ve struggled with focusing, retaining things I read and math ect. I remember in elementary school sobbing to my parents because I didn’t want to do a homework assignment so my Dad would end up bribing me with something to get me to do it.

I also remember a lady taking me out of class in first grade to this room with all of these toys and we would play with play dough and talk. I loved it because I got to get out of class. lol I didn’t realize at the time that it was because I struggled with learning so she was trying to help me.

Growing up I so badly wanted to be a good student and get good grades and please my teachers. I would try so hard to understand what the teacher was explaining on the board. I still wouldn’t get it so I’d raise my hand and ask for help and the teacher would come explain it to me again but it still didn’t register. I was too afraid to say I still didn’t understand it so I would just pretend like I did otherwise the teacher would be helping me all day and then I’d make a seen and every one would see that I didn’t get it and I’d look stupid. I would always think well if I don’t finish this, my mom will just help me when I get home. I did this for the rest of my life literally up until last semester. My mom would spend hours on the phone helping me with my Math.

I struggle with multi tasking and learning new concepts. Maybe I could learn the new concept if I could stay focused on what the instructions are. I remember my new job as a waitress at a restaurant. My manager was giving me instructions on how to use the computer and put in orders. I remember thinking ok Jenny pay attention, this is really important. I was trying so hard to understand what he was explaining but it was like gibberish to me. I wanted to cry because I couldn’t retain all of the information he was giving me. I felt so stupid because everyone else seemed to get it.

In order for me to retain things I need to read or listen to them slowly and over and over again. That job ended up being a nightmare. I had never been so terrified in my life. I would mess up orders all the time because I didn’t understand how to use the computer. My mind would just freeze when there were ten different things I had to do. The people at my tables would get up set, which would then make my managers upset. I ended up having the choice between getting demoted to expediter or quit. So I just quit. To this day that job is still the scariest thing I’ve ever done.

I’ve been wanting to become more independent and take care of myself for quite some time now but I felt like I needed to go back to school and I thought oh I can’t work and go to school at the same time so my parents were still supporting e financially.

After going back to school for two years I quickly realized that it was not the path I wanted to take. I wanted to start making money and supporting my self. I wanted to do something that I was passionate about. I wanted to learn a good work ethic. I wanted to be self reliant and independent when it comes to figuring things out on my own or using other recourses besides my parents. I wanted to break bad habits and become the girl that I saw inside of me just bursting to come out.

This was when I reached out to my brother and sister in law who are very successful millionaires. They didn’t just become millionaires on a whim. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears. They are some of the hardest working people I know and that’s why they are so successful. I aspire to be like them. Which is why I accepted their offer to mentor me into becoming a millionaire in five years.

Justin and Tara Williams are the creators of 8 Minute Millionaire. Which is a top pod cast on I Tunes. I have been on this journey for about 2 months now and boy has it been a Roller coaster! There have been so many ups and downs already. There has been break throughs, breakdowns, break ups ect.

Starting today I will be posting videos and thoughts of the past two months of my journey to get you up to speed. These videos are the real, raw, make-up less Jenny. I am vulnerable and humbled in front of thousands of people to see. I open up about my insecurities, weaknesses and challenges. This used to be one of my biggest fears and it still kind of is.

I’m doing this to reach out to people who struggle with these same challenges. I believe we all struggle with something but most of us pretend like everything is fine and that we have it all together. That’s what I used to do, then I realized that it got me no where. I’m doing this journey in hopes that you will all realize that if Jenny can do this, YOU can do this too.

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