Figuring Out My Miracle Morning

Figuring Out My Miracle Morning

So recently I read a book called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I mention this book in previous posts above. Hal says that if you have mediocre mornings you will have mediocre days and a mediocre life.Millionaires do not have mediocre lives…I know that for...

I’ve been cheating myself…

​I’ve been cheating myself. The excitement of starting this is gone now and now is where the real test of consistency is. I’ve fallen short but I’m going to rise back up. Just because I fell off the ban wagon doesn’t mean I can’t get back...


Okay…so you guys are probably wondering what has gotten to me. You are probably thinking “Jenny, are you saying it’s good to have fear?” YES! That is exactly what I’m saying! If you have fear then that means that you are doing something...
I Can be Extraordinary…What’s Stopping Me?

I Can be Extraordinary…What’s Stopping Me?

What is stopping you from becoming extraordinary? Is it laziness, fear, lack of organization,lack of faith in yourself, excuses, negative perceptions? Once you can think of one or two things that come to your mind, think of the one you want to work on first then write...

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