What my mentoring consist of so far is that I am working for Justin and Tara full time doing social media work for 8 Minute Millionaire. Some requirements I have with my mentorship are waking up at 5:30 or 6 every morning and training to run a marathon by running 4 days a week.  I have already progressed SO much with this! I didn’t run at all before. I would run like a block then walk for a while then run a little. Lets just say I was very out of shape and hardly ever worked out. My progression with this was very slow. I remember the first time I ran a mile with out stopping I was so proud of myself. With two months of continuous running four days a week every morning I slowly made my way to loving running!


One of the first things I had to do for part of my mentorship was read this book called Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It talks about the success we can have by waking up early and starting our day in a productive way rather than mediocre. In this book Hal mentions how he started running in the morning but hated it! He then eventually pushed through it and came to love it and ended up running several marathons. I remember reading this and thinking…nooo he secretly really did love running he just didn’t know it because he never did it. Me on the other hand, I’ve ran before and I HATE it. Well what I soon realized was that I had never pushed myself enough to get past the hump of discouragement. I would always get to the hump go up a little bit and felt discomfort so I would just go back down to where I felt comfortable. Because of this I secretly did not believe I would really ever come to love running or better yet run a marathon. I didn’t really believe it but I just kept on doing my morning routine of running because that’s what I was supposed to do.

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