Okay…so you guys are probably wondering what has gotten to me. You are probably thinking “Jenny, are you saying it’s good to have fear?” YES! That is exactly what I’m saying!
If you have fear then that means that you are doing something that’s outside of your comfort zone or you are about to. This is exactly where you want to be! Now you are probably thinking..now why would I want to live a life full of fear? Well no one wants that but from what I’ve come to find is that the more I do scary things the easier it is to do other scary things. It’s like training your mind in a way.
Once you start doing scary things more often, you will eventually get to a point where you start feeling comfortable with doing a certain thing then you get bored or you start to think uhhh somethings not right here…I don’t feel like I’m progressing anymore. You will start to crave that feeling of progression and the only way you can get that is to do things that are out of your comfort zone.
It’s so true about getting out of your comfort zone and doing scary things… I love this post. Everyone wants to become a millionaire but if someone said, “Here’s my business, I’m handing it over to you to run it and then you will be a millionaire” that would be extremely overwhelming to someone who has not conditioned their mind for greatness. Right now, and in this post being a great example, you are conditioning your mind…if you continue on this path, I truly believe it’s inevitable that if someone handed their million dollar business over to you, and you had properly conditioned your mind for greatness, then you would feel empowered and capable too accept the offer. Keep on keeping on!
Hey Ashlie! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. :) I’m grateful for this post because I really needed to be reminded of this. Especially as I start my new business. It is TERRIFYING! Why is it so terrifying! I’m super afraid of failure. I’m afraid to put al of this time,effort and money into this business and then to have it just fall apart before my eyes or to have it turn out not how I envisioned. I’m sure every single person who has started their own business has felt this way. So I’m not alone! lol But you are absolutely right. Theres no way I would have been ready to do this 6 months ago. My mind has definitely been conditioned for it. I still have fear but this is exactly where I need to be. If I wasn’t feeling fear then it would mean that I wasn’t taking a big enough risk or going out of my comfort zone enough. I’m learning and growing so much already.Thanks for commenting!
Yes, such a good reminder that fear isn’t always a bad thing but a sign you’re putting yourself out of your comfort zone. I’m sure you’ve heard that quote about your life begins outside of your comfort zone. I think in one of your or Tara and Justin’s videos you said how invigorating it is to do things out of your comfort zone, Such good reminders, thank you!