Will Jenny make it to $1 MILLION in 5 years?
Jenny is starting with nothing… and Justin and Tara believe they can turn her into a millionaire in 5 years or less. But it’s all up to Jenny… does she have what it takes to work hard, ditch bad habits, and completely change her life?
Who is Jenny?
Jenny is Justin’s little sister… and she’s on a journey to make a million dollars in the next 5 years!
But let’s back up a moment… how did this journey get started? It began when Jenny asked Justin if she could borrow some money from him… and Justin responded by making her a different offer…
Before she began this journey, Jenny had never really held down a job. She lived at home with her parents and depended on them for just about everything. She didn’t have any clear direction or plan to move forward in life.

Justin and Tara offered to mentor her for the next 5 years and help her go from “relying on mom and dad” to making a million dollars a year… but there was one catch.
She would have to do everything they said and agree to completely change her life.
She would have to work harder than she had ever worked before, and she would have to do it all without her parents’ help.
Jenny’s journey has been a wild ride so far, with a ton of huge ups and downs. Will she make it to $1,000,000? Or will she completely burn out?
Follow her story here!
Latest Podcast Episodes

8MM 128: Why the Fear of “What If” Cripples So Many Entrepreneurs (And How Jenny Pushed Past It)
When we left off from Jenny’s story last week, Jenny needed to sell some products… badly. And she needed to start hustling. So, threw a big open house party to showcase her products… and here’s what happened…

8MM 124: Jenny Gets Into “Hustle Mode” (And Gets Her First Sale)
That’s right… Jenny just got her first sale! But she’s going to need to move a lot more product to get this business off the ground… how is she planning to do that? Listen in to find out…

8MM 117: Excited, Exhausted, and Emotional: Jenny’s Weird Breakdown
Jenny just had the “weirdest experience…” after working on her business for hours on a Saturday, she was feeling pretty exhausted… and she had a bit of a breakdown… but it wasn’t like anything she had experienced before.
Jenny’s Latest Blog Posts

Something is holding me back and It’s time to let it go…
Truth be told I’ve been struggling quite a bit. I’m still pressing forward but I know I could be moving forward so much more! It literally drives me crazy.

Being Cut off From Mom and Dad Has Been Super Stressful/Humiliating…
Not gonna lie, I’ve been SUPER stressed about money lately. I am terrible at managing it. There I said it. I’ve never had to pay that close of attention to it and now that I need to I’m still not and it’s stressing me out so bad.

Everything has changed…
So… it’s been a few day since I’ve blogged because life has been…well you know..life. You know exactly what I’m talking about,those times in life that are just monotonous, boring and bla. There were just so many new exciting things happening in my life ever since I began my journey.