Jenny’s Blog
Videos, blog posts, and updates on Jenny’s million-dollar journey… in her own words!

My Whole Mind Set is Changing…Time to Get in Hustle Mode!
So ever since I started working with Justin and Tara I always heard them talk about hustling and grinding things out. I thought I understood what that meant but overtime I realized that I didn't fully understand. Even thought they would tell me over and over what it...

I made my first sale for Emerlyn Vance!!
I’m so excited to announce that I made my first sale!

I just Broke Down and Have no Idea Why…
Have you ever been so exhausted that you were just super emotional and you had no idea why? It’s not an emotional where you are sad and upset its an emotional where you just start crying out of nowhere and your like what the heck is going on?

Something is holding me back and It’s time to let it go…
Truth be told I’ve been struggling quite a bit. I’m still pressing forward but I know I could be moving forward so much more! It literally drives me crazy.

Being Cut off From Mom and Dad Has Been Super Stressful/Humiliating…
Not gonna lie, I’ve been SUPER stressed about money lately. I am terrible at managing it. There I said it. I’ve never had to pay that close of attention to it and now that I need to I’m still not and it’s stressing me out so bad.

Everything has changed…
So… it’s been a few day since I’ve blogged because life has been…well you You know exactly what I’m talking about,those times in life that are just monotonous, boring and bla. There were just so many new exciting things happening in my life ever since I began my journey.

My Wake Up Call After Being Cut off From Mom and Dad
I had just gotten an e-mail this day from Tara saying how much I had gotten payed from the last two weeks and lets just say it wasn’t nearly enough for what I needed in order to survive. Watch this video to find out what I had to do to make it work….This was such a big learning experience for me that I will never forget!

Amazing Story about a Guy Named Tyler…
Recently I received and e-mail from a guy named Tyler who has a story that you will not believe. I was so caught off guard when I read this e-mail. I made a video before I finished reading it and could not keep myself together. Tyler’s story touched me so much and I was so confused as to how I’ve inspired him when his story is far more miraculous than mine. There’s no way I can quit knowing that people like Tyler are counting on me.

Meet some of my roommates and friends!
So lately I’ve realized that it seems like I’m constantly sad and going through all these hard intense trials because that’s mainly what I make videos and blog about because that’s when I feel the most. When everything is fine and dandy I don’t really feel the need to make a video or record myself. So I just wanted to do a video with some of my friends to show you that I generally am a happy person and that my life really is pretty good.

Choosing Between Battles of Old Life and New Life/Learning to Push Through Hard Times Instead of Running Away
So I’ve been having some second thoughts lately about some things. Justin and Tara were absolutely right. I’m trying to get of my old life and start new habits but I’m literally smothered in the middle of it all. I’ve been having these inner battles between two worlds. My new journey and my old world.

I Documented My Half Marathon for You Guys!
Guys I did It!!!!! I ran a half Marathon and I documented the whole thing for you guys! It seriously was life changing because now I know that I can do ANYTHING if I do little consistent steps to get there. I can apply this experience with Running to anything in life. Now I can finally call myself a runner! And I love running now!

I Can Run 8 Miles now…and I’m Running a Half Marathon Tomorrow!
So when I first started running I could barely run 1 mile without stopping. Then it slowly got to 2 then 3 then one day I ran 5 and it was a miracle! This was after a couple of months let me mind you…Then one rainy morning it was really brisk outside and I was on a role and I had already ran 5 miles then I thought you know what, I can keep going so I’m going to just see how far I can go! That was the day that I ended up running 8 miles with out stopping!!

An E-Mail From a Guy Named Rick That Changed The Way I Think…
This man named Rick sent me this really though out encouraging email that really got me thinking. I did a little video to share my thoughts on it. He told me to change my story and get rid of my negative thoughts and so I responded to him and asked him how to do that and this is what he said…

I Dropped The Ball…
For some reason while I was driving back up to school and doing my volunteer work I thought it was ok to not communicate with Justin and Tara fully and tell them this is what I had been planning on doing all summer long. First of all I wasn’t being responsible myself to check e mails from my school saying what days this volunteer work would all be happening. I told them that I was driving up to school on a certain day and they were cool with that then I told the I had this volunteer stuff going on for four days…Lets just say they weren’t too thrilled with me when I told them this. Work that was my responsibility was not getting done like it needed to.

Back to school…New schedule…
To catch you guys up to speed…I have been going to school at BYU Idaho for the past two years. I had just finished up last semester when I got the offer from Justin and Tara to do a mentorship with them. My mentoring began about 2 months ago at the beginning of my seven week summer break.

Figuring Out My Miracle Morning
So recently I read a book called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I mention this book in previous posts above. Hal says that if you have mediocre mornings you will have mediocre days and a mediocre life.Millionaires do not have mediocre lives…I know that for sure! The Miracle Morning is a way to rise above the majority of the 99 percent of people who aren’t millionaires.
I’ve been cheating myself…
I’ve been cheating myself. The excitement of starting this is gone now and now is where the real test of consistency is. I’ve fallen short but I’m going to rise back up. Just because I fell off the ban wagon doesn’t mean I can’t get back on.

If you have fear then that means that you are doing something that’s outside of your comfort zone or you are about to. This is exactly where you want to be! Now you are probably why would I want to live a life full of fear? Well no one wants that but from what I’ve come to find is that the more I do scary things the easier it is to do other scary things. It’s like training your mind in a way.

I Can be Extraordinary…What’s Stopping Me?
What is stopping you from becoming extraordinary? Is it laziness, fear, lack of organization,lack of faith in yourself, excuses, negative perceptions? Once you can think of one or two things that come to your mind, think of the one you want to work on first then write down a couple of things that you are going to do to push through those things.

Defeated to Empowered in Just a Few Minutes…
It’s so funny how one minute I can feel super defeated and like a failure and then the next feel super confident and like I can do anything. I think that pretty much sums up my life right there! I’m sure a lot of you can relate as well! ;)
Who is Jenny?
Jenny is Justin’s little sister… and she’s on a journey to make a million dollars in the next 5 years!
But let’s back up a moment… how did this journey get started? It began when Jenny asked Justin if she could borrow some money from him… and Justin responded by making her a different offer…
Before she began this journey, Jenny had never really held down a job. She lived at home with her parents and depended on them for just about everything. She didn’t have any clear direction or plan to move forward in life.
Justin and Tara offered to mentor her for the next 5 years and help her go from “relying on mom and dad” to making a million dollars a year… but there was one catch.
She would have to do everything they said and agree to completely change her life.
She would have to work harder than she had ever worked before, and she would have to do it all without her parents’ help.
Jenny’s journey has been a wild ride so far, with a ton of huge ups and downs. Will she make it to $1,000,000? Or will she completely burn out?
Follow her story here!