Jenny’s Blog
Videos, blog posts, and updates on Jenny’s million-dollar journey… in her own words!

Emotions from Elementary School Come up That I didn’t Even Know I Had…
As I was writing my intro to my blog I was writing about struggles I had in elementary school. Lets just say there are buried emotions from that long ago that I didn’t even know I had.
It was very therapeutic for me to just write out my feelings and release them! Before this journey I use to think..oh, I’ve always been this way. This is just how I was born. It’s part of me and theres nothing I can do to change it. WRONG! So so wrong!

The Struggle is Real, But Doable…
There are many days where I don’t feel like working but I need to just push through it. This, like running is the only way I’m going to gain a better work ethic. It’s moments like this that are so uncomfortable for me and I just want to give up and go back to where I feel comfortable doing nothing. When I push through these moments it’s so liberating after!

Beginning of my Running Journey
One of the first things I had to do for part of my mentorship was read this book called Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It talks about the success we can have by waking up early and starting our day in a productive way rather than mediocre. In this book Hal mentions how he started running in the morning but hated it! He then eventually pushed through it and came to love it and ended up running several marathons.

I Finally Broke Down…After Weeks Of Holding it All In
I open up about things that are very personal to me. I never would have opened up like this in the past about my feelings but I’m doing this to break out of my comfort zone and conquer my fear. I used to want everyone to think that my life was perfect and that I had everything put together. That was clearly a false notion. Since I’ve been opening up about my insecurities and weaknesses, I feel this huge mountain lifted off of me.

I finally figured it out!!
Justin and Tara finally let me ask Kyle their technician for some help with starting a You Tube account! I realized that Justin and Tara were trying to help me appreciate the benefits of hard work. If they would have just done everything for me I wouldn’t have learned anything and I wouldn’t have been as excited as I was when I figured it out!

The first week of my Journey Justin and Tara let me fall flat on my face…
My first week of this Journey, Justin and Tara pretty much let me fall flat on my face. I wasn’t allowed to ask questions. I was to just take orders and figure things out on m own. What I don’t think they realized, was how technologically challenged I really

First day working for Justin and Tara
This is a video after my first day of working for Justin and Tara. Lets just say I was exhausted! I still had no idea what him and Tara wanted me to do as far as working for them. Justin had me do some of my own research and I soon found out what he was up to. He wanted me to learn how to start doing things on my own. He wanted to see how my mind worked and what I would do with the tasks he gave me.

A Little Bit About Me and My Million Dollar Journey
Hi my name is Jenny and I’m on a journey to become a millionaire in five years. Have you ever wanted something so bad but you didn’t quite get it because you gave into your guilty pleasures or weaknesses? I have… let me tell you a little more about myself and what this journey consists of.
Who is Jenny?
Jenny is Justin’s little sister… and she’s on a journey to make a million dollars in the next 5 years!
But let’s back up a moment… how did this journey get started? It began when Jenny asked Justin if she could borrow some money from him… and Justin responded by making her a different offer…
Before she began this journey, Jenny had never really held down a job. She lived at home with her parents and depended on them for just about everything. She didn’t have any clear direction or plan to move forward in life.
Justin and Tara offered to mentor her for the next 5 years and help her go from “relying on mom and dad” to making a million dollars a year… but there was one catch.
She would have to do everything they said and agree to completely change her life.
She would have to work harder than she had ever worked before, and she would have to do it all without her parents’ help.
Jenny’s journey has been a wild ride so far, with a ton of huge ups and downs. Will she make it to $1,000,000? Or will she completely burn out?
Follow her story here!